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A big thank you to the Macklin/Mailey Family

Merseyside Against Blood Cancer, The Bloom Appeal receives regular support from the Macklin/Mailey family and so we only think it fitting that we should share their hard work with our supporters.  The family holds regular events throughout the year with all the donations going to The Bloom Appeal.
“As a family, we raise money for The Bloom Appeal in memory of Brian Macklin, who passed away in October 2016.  His final days in the hospital were made more comfortable by the things The Bloom Appeal had provided.  For this we will be forever grateful – and fundraisers!!!” – Jo, Les and Gill
They have now raised over £4,000 for us and we are extremely grateful for all their support!
Thank you from everyone here at Merseyside Against Blood Cancer, The Bloom Appeal

About Us

We support the care and well-being of patients with blood cancers. We fund and invest in scientific research into treating and curing leukaemias, lymphomas and other blood cancers. Together we make a difference for blood cancer patients in the Merseyside and surrounding areas.

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