What an amazing day we had on Sunday the 9th of June at our cricket tournament and family fun day. The community at Liverpool Cricket Club really did come together to support our cause and we are so very grateful they did. We raised a whopping £4,500.
Thank you to everyone who came along and took part in the tournament. We hope everyone had as much fun as we did. The activities began at 10am with the start of the cricket tournament. The local councillor kindly gave a donation that allowed us to buy toys and games for the youngsters. The little ones got involved as soon as the boxes were opened and loved playing with everything and making new friends. At the end of the tournament, it was time to head inside as the rain and the quiz were both about to start. The raffle proved to be a huge success and the evening was finished off with live music and dancing.
Special thanks to all the volunteers who gave their time and put so much into ensuring the day was a success. Thanks also to all those who donated prizes for our raffle, baked caked, staffed the barbecue and snack shack. We are so very grateful to you all.
The Bloom Appeal, helping people cope, giving people hope.